VJ Bocca

VJing since 2004 in Bratislava, Slovakia in the best known clubs - NuSpirit Club, Dunaj˜ , Subclub, Unique Club, Radost, Remix, Charlie Club and Dopler Multicentrum (in these two discontinued) and in the clubs and festivals all over Slovakia.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Charlie Clubbers brings you the second party in 2008 called Le Grande House which is movin now to the IBIZA Club in Košice city where they will start to entertain you. Behind the mixer appears beyond others the duo of DJ CHARLIE and the violinist Peter Krajniak which guaratees not everyday music experience. The venue will by started by DJs Lemon and Lambro and VJ Bocca will feed you eyes with delightful visualisations. So you can look forward to enjoy this party.

Le Grande House brings you Charlie Clubbers "New dimesion of fun"


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